Thank you for your interest in our McNair Scholars program!  Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.  You cannot save and restart this application.  You may want to review the included items, take some time to make notes and gather the required documents, and then return to submit your application.  If you have any questions, please call our office at (802) 468-1087.

General Information:
Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Name
Date of Birth *
School ID *
Address *
Address 2
City *
State *
ZIP Code *
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Castleton Email Address *

Personal Information:
Preferred Name
Personal Email Address
Are you a U.S. Citizen? *
Are you Hispanic/Latino? *
If yes please describe background.
Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself. *
Do you have a physical or learning disability for which you need accommodations? *

Family Information:
What is the highest level of education your mother completed? *
What is the highest level of education your father completed? *
With whom did you regularly reside on your 18th birthday? *
How many people are in your household?
Household Income Range

College Information:
Are you currently enrolled at Castleton? *
How many credits have you earned in total (excluding this semester)? *
How many college credits will you earn this semester? *
What is your projected graduation date? *
What is your current major and area of concentration? *
What is your minor (if applicable)?
What is your current Castleton GPA? *

Document Upload:
Personal Statement (250 words) Describe your interest in the McNair Scholars Program. What academic and other achievements have prepared you to be a successful McNair Scholar? What areas of graduate study are you interested in pursuing? Do you have specific goals related to completing a doctoral degree? Your name should appear in the top right corner of each page of your personal statement.
Upload the Faculty Recommendation Form
Upload the TRIO Income Verification Form

Sign and Submit:
Signature *
Signature Type: Simple    Start Over
Signature: (Type in your full name)
I agree to the terms included.